" ASK YOURSELF IS IT RIGHT OR WRONG AND ACT ACCORDINGLY "~OTTO GRAHAM, JR. this student success statement reminds me of the time i was walking to the store and i found sixty dollars on the floor, i picked them up and i was thinking if i should keep it or not at first i wanted to keep it because nobody was around and i didn't see anyone returning for the money so i went to the store and as i entered i saw someone in the cashier looking in her wallet for her money and i noticed that she was looking frustrated because she couldn't find her money then she checked her back pockets and she still couldn't find it so i went up to her and asked her how much money did she have and she said she had sixty dollars all together so then i grabbed the money from my back pocket and told her i found her money laying on the floor and she thanked me and let me keep 25 dollars for being honest and giving her, her money back
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