This reminds me of the time in the 2nd grade when one of my peers was coping off of me we were taking a spelling test and she didn't study the words so she didn't studied and i knew the words by memory, so i was writing the words down and this girl named sheila waas looking over and coping my answers and the teacher saw her but he didn't say anything he waited till we were done and he collected our papers then after a while he said he was going to call someone up to the front and he would give them a spelling word and we would have to spell it out so the teacher called sheila out and told her to spell "concentrate" and sheila spoke up and said "C-O-N-S-E-N-T-R-A-T" and the teacher pulled her out of the class and told her that he had saw her cheating and looking at my paper without me noticing so he told her to stay in for recess to practice and in lunch she would go up to his class to take the test.
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