" Dare to stand alone. Stand up for what's right, even if you stand alone."~Thomas S. Manson
I think that this means that if you don't think that drinking is right and you don't do it but you see some girls doing it in the corner that just because they offer you a good amount of money doesn't mean you take it, you have to like what your doing, like for example my aunt loves being a nurse because she likes helping others in need not because of the money she gets she loves her job she has a big passion for what she does.

I think that this means that if you don't think that drinking is right and you don't do it but you see some girls doing it in the corner that just because they offer you a good amount of money doesn't mean you take it, you have to like what your doing, like for example my aunt loves being a nurse because she likes helping others in need not because of the money she gets she loves her job she has a big passion for what she does.
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